General Terms and Conditions of Use

General Terms and Conditions of Use


The company You Before any business S.r.l. benefit company (hereinafter referred to as “YBAB”) has released on the Play Store (Android) and on the App Store (iOS) the YBAB App (hereinafter referred to as the “App”) aimed at managing the Welfare service via mobile channel.

The App allows the beneficiary of the service to access a series of advisory and dispositive functions via mobile channel.

The use of the App as well as the enjoyment of the functions made accessible through it are governed by this document. The registration and installation of the App implies the reading and full adherence and acceptance by the user of the General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter “Terms and Conditions”).

Registration and access to the portal, as well as the installation of the App and its use, are completely voluntary and do not entail any cost for the user.

The services of the App are intended for users who are 18 years of age or older.

YBAB may change or simply update all or part of these Terms and Conditions. Changes and updates to the Terms and Conditions will be notified to users by notification via the App as soon as they are adopted and will be binding as soon as they are published on (the “Site”).

Therefore, please access this section regularly to check the publication of the most recent and updated Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree, in whole or in part, with these Terms and Conditions, please do not use our App and the Site.

The User shall be solely liable for any damage or loss caused to YBAB or any third party by the breach of the User’s obligations under the Terms and Conditions.

Access to and use of the Site and the App, including viewing web pages, communicating with YBAB, downloading information, constitute activities conducted by our users exclusively for personal use unrelated to any commercial, business or professional activity.

1. Personal account creation, duration and cancellation

The User who intends to use the App will be able to access it using the identification credentials assigned by YBAB. Registration presupposes the possession of a valid e-mail and the nature of an employee of a YBAB client company. In any case the User, when installing the App or accessing it, shall change the password, accept the Terms and Conditions, read the Privacy Policy provided by YBAB and declare to have understood its content.

It is forbidden to use an email address not belonging to the User, to use the personal data and credentials of another User in order to appropriate his/her identity.

As a result of accessing and/or using the App, the User is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable and free license to use the App and its functionalities, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

If the User wishes to delete his/her account, he/she may do so by accessing his/her profile (TBC). Deleting the account will make it impossible to use the credits. Uninstalling the App does not automatically delete your account.

YBAB reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account at any time and without prior notice in case of non-compliance with the Terms and Conditions or applicable legal provisions.

The use and installation of the App implies that the User has read and fully accepts the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

All the contents of the Website and of the App are protected by copyright and by any other intellectual property right of YBAB and of the other right holders. The reproduction, in whole or in part, in any manner or form, of the Website, the App and its contents is prohibited.

Therefore, all trademarks, whether figurative or nominative, and all other signs, trade names, service marks, word marks, trade names, illustrations, images, logos, content related to the App are and remain the property of YBAB or its licensors and are protected by current trademark laws and relevant international treaties

Unauthorised use of the aforementioned contents and, in general, infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights will result in liability for the infringer.

3. Exclusion of warranties

The Site and the App are provided to you “as they are” without any warranty of operation, either express or implied in relation thereto, nor does YBAB provide any warranty that it will meet your requirements or that it will be uninterrupted or error-free or that it will be free of viruses or bugs. To the fullest extent permitted by law, YBAB disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.

No further conditions or warranties (including implied warranties as to satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose or conformity with description) shall apply to the App (in italiano dice “l’Appo) or the services offered, other than those expressly set out in the Terms and Conditions.

4. Limitation of liability

With the exception of cases of fraud and gross negligence, YBAB will not be liable in any way for any damage or prejudice that users may suffer from accessing, interconnecting, downloading material and computer programs from the App and/or the Website, or from any cause that is beyond the control of YBAB, and will not be liable for any damages, losses, prejudice of any kind that users may suffer.

The user is solely and exclusively responsible for the communication of information and data that is incorrect, false or relating to third parties, without their consent, as well as in consideration of their incorrect use.

YBAB disclaims all liability for any damages resulting from the inaccessibility to the services on the App or from any damages caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, content deletions, problems related to the network, providers or telephone and/or telematic connections, unauthorised access, data alterations, failure and/or malfunction of the user’s own electronic equipment.

The user is responsible for the safekeeping and correct use of his/her own personal information, including the credentials that allow access to the services, as well as for any damaging consequences or prejudice that may be suffered by YBAB or third parties as a result of the incorrect use, loss, theft of such information.

5. Links to third-party websites

The Website contains hypertext links (“links”) to other third-party websites. YBAB does not exercise any control over them nor does it carry out any monitoring operations of such websites and their contents. Therefore, YBAB cannot be held responsible for the contents of these sites and the rules adopted by them, including those relating to the processing of your personal data during browsing operations.

We therefore kindly ask you to be careful when you connect to these websites, through the links on the Site and/or App, and to read their terms of use and privacy policy carefully.

Please note that these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy do not apply to websites operated by parties other than YBAB.

Moreover, YBAB cannot guarantee to its users that the App and/or the Site will operate continuously, without interruptions and without errors or malfunctions due to the connection to the Internet.

If you experience any problems using the App, please contact Customer Service. A YBAB representative will be at your disposal to provide you with assistance and to help you restore the functionality of your access, if this is possible.

Likewise, we recommend that you contact your Internet service provider or check that each device for connecting to the Internet and accessing web content is properly activated, including your Internet browser.

Although YBAB will use its best efforts to ensure continuous access to its Site and App, the dynamic nature of the Internet and its contents may not allow them to operate without any suspensions, interruptions or discontinuity due to the need for Site updates.

6. Applicable law

These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by Italian law.